American Elm

Name American Elm (Ulmus americana)
Type Hardwood.
Other Names Also known as white elm, water elm, soft elm and gray elm.
Sources Grows in eastern half of United States and southern Canada.
Appearance Straight or interlocked grain with a coarse texture. Light brown to brown heartwood, usually with a reddish tinge, and light-colored sapwood.
Physical Props Moderately heavy and hard, tough, elastic, difficult to split, and wear resistant. Steam-bends very well. Low decay resistance and moderate dimensional stability.
Working Props Works with some difficulty – tends to dull cutting edges and often produces fuzzy surfaces. Glues, screws and nails satisfactorily. Does not polish easily but otherwise finishes well.
Uses Used for boxes, baskets, cooperage stays, sporting goods, agricultural implements, furniture (bent parts especially), plywood veneers, flooring, and miscellaneous woodenware.