Black Tupelo

Name Black Tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica)
Type Hardwood.
Other Names Also known as black gum, tupelo gum, yellow gum, lau tau, resak, sour gum, pepperidge, and wild pear tree.
Sources Grows in eastern half of United States.
Appearance Close, interlocked grain with a fine uniform texture. Light brownish gray heartwood and a very wide, lighter colored sapwood.
Physical Props Tough, moderately heavy, hard, and strong with low stiffness, steam bending, shock resistance, and decay resistance.
Working Props Challenging to work due to interlocked grain. Tends to burn during turning. Difficult to split and nail – pre-drilling recommended. Glues satisfactorily. Finishes easily to a smooth, shiny surface.
Uses Used for inexpensive furniture, furniture components, boxes, crates, baskets, cooperage, food containers, industrial flooring, rollers, caskets, sash, doors, blocks, gun stocks, railroad crossties, and pulp.