European Cherry

Name European Cherry (Prunus avium)
Type Hardwood.
Other Names Also known as cherry, wild cherry, gean, mazzard, merisier, and kers.
Sources Distributed throughout Europe and southeast Asia.
Appearance Generally straight grained with a fairly uniform texture and a rich luster. Light to dark reddish brown heartwood and narrow, nearly white sapwood. Often exhibits greater color contrast than American black cherry.
Physical Props Moderately hard and heavy, strong, stiff, and moderately stable in service. Heartwood has moderate decay resistance. Steam-bends very well.
Working Props Machines well with both hand and machine tools. Turns quite satisfactorily. Holds screws and nails well, glues and stains easily, and polishes to an excellent finish that naturally darkens with age.
Uses Highly prized for cabinets, furniture, carving, and turnery. Also used for paneling, decorative veneer, architectural woodwork, caskets, woodenware, novelties, musical instruments, gun stocks, handles, and toys.