
Name Agba (Gossweilerodendron balsamiferum)
Type Hardwood.
Other Names Also known as egba, nitola, ntola, tola, white tola, moboron, mutsekamambole, and Nigerian cedar.
Sources Grows in tropical west Africa, primarily Nigeria, Angola, and Zaire.
Appearance Fine texture with a straight to mildy interlocked or wavy grain. Pale straw to reddish brown hearwood and lighter-colored, indistinct sapwood. Heartwood bears a resemblance to mahogany.
Physical Props Light and relatively soft with low stiffness, low shock resistance, moderately low strength, good stability in service and high decay resistance (heartwood). Steam-bends moderately well.
Working Props Turns, planes, bores, routs, and otherwise works well although gum may accumulate on cutting edges. Glues, screws, and nails easily. Stains and finishes well, particularly if grain filler used.
Uses Top notch wood for interior joinery, paneling, table and chair parts, desks, handles, dowels, and other turned items. Other uses include mouldings, coffins, toys, flooring, exterior joinery, boat and vehicle frames, marine plywood, and decorative veneers. .