
Name Pear (Pyrus communis)
Type Hardwood.
Other Names Also known as peartree, pearwood, and common pear.
Sources Grows in North America, Europe, and parts of western and southeast Asia.
Appearance Typically straight grained with a tight, uniform texture. Pinkish brown heartwood and sapwood with little dilineation between them.
Physical Props Heavy, hard, and tough (difficult to split) with moderate strength, low stiffness, good dimensional stability, and low decay resistance.
Working Props Works well with tools in any direction due to uniformity of fibers. Exceptional turning, carving, and polishing properties. Accepts stains and finishes extremely well.
Uses Prized for fancy turnery such as tool handles, knife handles, umbrella handles, and bowls. Sliced into decorative veneers for cabinets, paneling, marquetry, and inlay. Other uses include rulers, engravings, printing blocks, and musical instruments.