Port-Orford Cedar

Name Port-Orford Cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana)
Type Softwood.
Other Names Also known as Port Orford white cedar, white cedar, Oregon cedar, false cypress, and Lawson cypress.
Sources Grows primarily along northern Pacific coast of United States. Also planted in Asia, Europe, and New Zealand.
Appearance Straight and even grained with a medium to coarse texture. Yellowish white to pale yellowish brown heartwood and pale yellowish white sapwood.
Physical Props Light, moderately soft, stiff, moderately strong, low shock resistance, and very good acid and decay resistance. Quite stable in service. Poor steam bending rating.
Working Props Works very well by hand or machine tools – excellent for turning and carving. A “woodworker’s dream”. Glues very well. Screws and nails without difficulty. Accepts stains, paints, and clear finishes very well.
Uses Used for mothproof boxes and closets, chests, arrowshafts, tanks, vats, acid battery separators, woodenware, novelties, boat building, millwork, decks, shingles, poles, posts, match sticks, furniture, and paneling.
Comments Has a very distinctive ginger-like odor.